Employee Assistance Program

Gentle Shepherd Care’s Employee Assistance Program supports employees who are caregivers, improving productivity and retention.

employee assistance

Your Employees Need Your Help – They Are Caring for Loved Ones & it is Affecting Their Daily Work

Modern employers are offering eldercare benefits to their employees, easing the burden for working caregivers. They know that providing support and a way for their staff to understand options and solve challenges in caregiving will bring higher productivity to their businesses. Our team offers comprehensive employee support programs for you and your team.

Our Eldercare Navigator program addresses employees' needs before, during, and after their crisis.

Add Eldercare Navigator to your Employee Assistance Programs, today. You can’t afford not to!

Productivity Unleashed

How Does Your Company Benefit?

What is included

in the Eldercare Navigator Employee Assistance Program?

Lifecare Planning

Personalized Plans for themselves and/or their family members to prevent absenteeism and lost productivity.

Backup Caregiving

Discounted, On Call Care provided in all 48 Continental US states for 8-16 hours, depending on corporate preference.

Eldercare Management Services

Discounted, Monthly Plans to handle tedious, time-consuming administrative tasks (i.e., scheduling, ordering), interpret medical information and check on care.

Caregiver Coaching for Personal Eldercare

Where employee caregivers can discuss issues and get immediate help with issues; available as both a 24-hour on-call line and/or as a weekly, virtual forum.

Sensitivity Training

Quarterly or Annual training sessions to help managers recognize and support employee caregivers, while also balancing the needs of the broader team.

Curious about our program?

Learn How It Can Transform Your Life

Let’s visit about how our Eldercare Navigator Employee Assistance Program can start helping you and your team now. Reach out to us to discuss your needs and how we can help.